Wednesday, March 27, 2019

5 Tips For Your First Date With a Vietnamese Woman

Getting a date with a Vietnamese woman is easy. Just go on Tinder, find a chick, and invite her out. It’s easy enough.

Here are some tips on making sure that your date goes well. All based on my date experience AND on me eavesdropping on dates while I’m working in a cafe. Everything here is what I thought was common sense stuff that every guy knows, but most guys learn about relationship stuff from Hollywood movies and record company music.

Take Charge

The most important factor in the success of your date is whether or not you take charge. Seriously, everything is downstream of your ability to lead.

However, I see way too many guys walking behind their Vietnamese woman like a little puppy dog. You may as well lube your asshole up and give her the strap-on.

Never walk behind your woman (unless you have her on a leash, but even then she still should be behind you.).

It’s more than just that though:
  • Don’t let her pick the venue.
  • Don’t let her pick the table.
  • Don’t let her drive (unless she has an expensive bike. too risky for me to drive a $2,000 bike).
  • Don’t let her complain when you run a red light or ride on the sidewalk.
Women will always try bossing you around to see if you’ll take charge.

Just ignore, or casually dismiss, her bossiness and get back to bossing her around. That’s what she wants. Well, she wants you to do a lot more than that, but that’s crimethink and would make me an Unperson. Read 50 Shades of Grey if you want the answer.


Ok, great. Onto the next point.

Don’t Be Boring

Another common problem are guys talking too damn much AND/OR about super logical guy stuff. Seriously, no woman gives a fuck about all that big brain manly stuff like politics, society, and business. It’s just way too complicated for them to understand.

Yes. I’ve heard guys droning on and on about that stuff to women.


And being boring is the fastest way to have a girl never want to meet you again.

Speak Some Vietnamese

You don’t need to be fluent for this to work.

Throwing out a few cutesy Vietnamese phrases always goes over well in my experience. Hell, counting to ten will work perfectly fine.

You can even ask her how to say a few words in Vietnamese and how to properly say her name… but you should always mispronounce her name. Always gotta show that blatant disrespect.

Make Physical Contact

This is another one that all the experienced readers know.

You always want to make physical contact as soon as possible. Make sure it’s natural and not creepy.

Easier said than done. I know.

You shouldn’t have to consciously think about it. If you are thinking about it, then it’s going to be weird and creepy since you’ll be nervous. And women can easily detect nervousness and uneasiness.

Touching her arm when asking a question, telling her to read your palm or reading her palm (all these chicks love palm reading), comparing hand or feet size, pointing out how small her wrist is and then wrapping your fingers around it, or touching her scar while you ask about it all work perfectly fine.

Poking or tickling her ribcage also works. Playing footsie works too.

Those last three get annoying fast. Don’t overdo them.

Have Good Body Language

Another less talked about aspect of a date is body language. It’s one of the most important things you can do on a date.

It’s especially important with an ESL person because they will not fully understand the meaning of your words. But they can certainly understand your body language. Women are especially good at subconsciously reading body language.

All this stuff has to be on point from the moment you meet your date. I’ll eventually write a full article on body language since I love that stuff. In the meantime, here are some quick tips:
  • Have a Confident Walk (no pigeon toe)
  • Spread Your Legs Wide (Manspread)
  • Have an open body posture (shoulders pulled back, straight spine, arms spread out)
  • Good Eye Contact
  • Talk Slow
  • Don’t be fat
  • Don’t Preen
  • Don’t Fidget 
  • Don’t shift your eyes
  • Don’t put your hands in your pockets
  • Don’t cover your crotch with your hands
  • Don’t touch your face
  • Don’t constantly sip your drink (fidget)
Donald Trump on the campaign trail had great body language. James Bond (Sean Connery) also has good body language:

Pull or Not?

This just depends on the vibe and your logistics. You should know after about 30ish minutes if you have a good shot at getting her back to your place. Some of you with a finely tuned slut radar can pick it up instantly, but 30 minutes is plenty for all but the most inexperienced of men.

Don’t worry too much about it. I like to invite them once if I get a good vibe. If she agrees, then great. But I’m not one of those guys that will try a million different ways to get her back.

They’re not stupid. They know exactly what is going to happen at your apartment.

If she doesn’t agree, then save it for the next date OR invite her over for date #2. Depends on the vibe of the girl.

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